Category Archives: Graphic Design

  • Marketing with Z-Fold Brochures Opens Creative Paths

    Convincing a consumer to change their preferences and buy a different product or to try a new business offering a desirable service is not an easy thing to do. People are creatures of habit and will naturally gravitate toward the familiar. Using adve

  • Graphic design tools essential for hoarding design success

    Advertisements are everywhere. From magazines to websites, television to radio, billboards to the sides of a city bus. It is hard to hide from the barrage of images and messages asking you, the consumer, to pay attention to the newest product or movi

  • Use Proofreading Marks for Copy Editing Consistency

    Typesetting and printing processes were revolutionized by the widespread use of computers. The ease of producing periodicals and making changes could be done in a fraction of the time it used to take when lead type was manually set. Typos are also dr

  • How to Design the Best Tri-Fold Brochures

    Developing a good tri-fold brochure to promote a business, product or service can be accomplished with relative ease and reproduced inexpensively. But it is not something to be done casually or quickly. Careful forethought is imperative before diving