Advertisements are everywhere. From magazines to websites, television to radio, billboards to the sides of a city bus. It is hard to hide from the barrage of images and messages asking you, the consumer, to pay attention to the newest product or movie to be launched.
Many may not be aware that effective use of graphic design elements is essential to producing a winning advertisement. And hoarding is an excellent way to get your message and product out there, in a big way.

What is it?
Hoarding is a form of advertising on the temporary construction walls and fences seen around construction sites. The sites are typically in metropolitan areas where the traffic and pedestrian flow is high. The barriers are placed to keep people from getting injured at the construction site and to hide the site from view. But the bare walls are perfect for static advertising. An interesting, eye-catching ad can be placed in view of thousands of people. Many of them will pass by daily, further reinforcing a message or product.
Graphic design involves effective and creative use of several elements: typesetting, images, colors and layout. The main purpose is to get your attention, then make it easy for the reader or viewer to understand the message. With a constant barrage of information hitting everyone daily, making your product stand out is a challenge.
Think big
Billboards are big and today’s marquee signs use digital tools to change the message every few minutes. Few of the old static billboards still exist. But hoarding is a static tool that has many of the desired elements of billboard advertising. Your image and message are displayed in large expanses and many people view the signs each day, either by walking or riding past them.
Using graphic design techniques such as typography, a large, central image and limited text will go a long way toward getting your message across.

Let’s start with typesetting, or typography. Fonts can be very effectively used as a design element in just about any medium. With this type of advertising, using a bold, easy to read font will grab a bystander’s attention and drive them to keep reading.
We are a visual society so using a strong, uncomplicated image as the main graphic element that compliments the message is another factor for attracting the attention you want.
The message or call to action should be short, easy to understand and provide enough information that the reader can remember the product, event or company and take the next step, contact. Since many of the same people are likely to pass by this sign daily, in the form of commuters, a simple message will drive home the call to action.
When all these elements come together, the graphic design accomplished its mission of promotion and follow up. Your business will reap the awards of higher sales. Success also breeds more success and as word spreads; your business begins to flourish. And all of this thanks to a simple sign.
– ArtworkAbode
Artwork Abode